
Alamo Capital COVID-19 Update
While we are sure you have received many notices and pieces of information regarding this ongoing, very fluid and quite frankly, scary, situation we wanted to send you something also. Due to recent updates from many counties/states and the CDC, Alamo Capital has...
eNewsletter September 2018
eNewsletter July/August 2018
eNewsletter June 2018

Investing Strategies for your 20’s to your 60’s: A Chess Game
Much like a game of chess, strategy is the key to a winning financial plan. Investing is something that takes a certain mind set depending on your age and current needs. This is an evolving strategy and should be evaluated often throughout your life. ...
eNewsletter May 2018

Duration- An Easy Way to Measure Risk in your Bond Portfolio
The concept of duration originated in 1938.The impact of interest rate risk can be lessened using the concept of duration. If you know the duration of a bond, you can anticipate how much interest rate risk you are assuming before purchasing. It is one of the ways you...
eNewsletter April 2018

What are “Bond Laddered” Investment Portfolios?
The “Bond Ladder” is an investment strategy that attempts to minimize risk and optimize cash flow. These portfolios do not offset the “Interest Rate Risk” because the value of the securities will decline when interest rates rise but the monthly income stays the...

The Clouds are Clearing for Puerto Rico Debt
Puerto Rico GO’s Bond prices on the General Obligations have reversed much of the losses suffered after Hurricane Maria hit the Island. Much of this gain is due to the anticipation of better debt restructuring terms and the influx of federal funds and insurance money....